About Me

32 years old, deeply inlove, Mommy of beautiful, blue eyed, blonde haired, twin girls! I am currently remodeling my life! "The way life should be". Join me as I take on some of the toughest projects with my mind, body, soul, and home interior! I'll also be documenting about my thrifty finds, inexpensive decor, crafts and food!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Let Downs, Give Ups, Positivity and Life, it is what it is.

One of my methods for weightloss last month was to use a dietary supplement. I purchased Hydroxycut, after hearing 2 rave reviews on it from my cousins. I bought the Super Strength, which is actually the lightest method. The first day I had so much energy, after that, I was taking it and going back to bed. I gave up on it, but will return to it.
I've walked, not as much as I should, but have been out and about.
I have NOT gotten on my elliptical yet.
I have had weight loss, documented on the side.
I won't do measurements til next month, since I gave up.

I had been feeling down in the dumps lately. I took it upon myself to go to my doctor and see about getting on an anti-depressant. She put me on the generic Lexapro. I started my first one last night. We'll see how it goes. I mean I've lost 2 pounds overnight, haha! I believe taking this will help me get that boost I need to complete everything I've imagined.
My doctor also tested my sugar, my thyroid and vitamin d levels. Can't wait to hear the results.

I eat better and have started making smoothies. We'll try again.